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A. The British were fed up with war's casualties and with heavy taxes levied to pay for the war.
The siege of Yorktown took place on October 19, 1781 at Yorktown, Virginia. This was a decisive battle during the Revolutionary War. It was also the last major land battle in the North American theatre. After General Charles Cornwallis surrendered, the support for the war among British people declined significantly. On the other hand, the surrender boosted American morale.
It was important because the Europeans. And early explorers needed better weapons, food and cloths and so they could trade for more useful stuff.
The 2 ideas that thinkers in the US thought were contained in the US Constitution are:
- 1) "Limiting the Powers of State Governments": The state should have legitimate power, in other words, a power that is representative and consented by the people to whom this state governs. People are free to do whatever is not prohibited by the law.
- 4) "Linking Governments and Citizens through a social contract": The <em>"Theory of the Social Contract"</em> is based makes a distinction between <em>civil society</em> and <em>state</em>. The state´s authority is based on the power consented by the people who are governed, which confirm the civil society. A person enters into civil society to protect their rights by contacting an unbiased authority such as appealing to a court.