1 they don't eat plant, they eat plankton
2 they are mammals
3 they have blowhole like other aquatic mammals
Lambdoid suture
The parietal bones are two bones, located above the temporal, behind the frontal and in front of the occipital. The occipital is an odd bone of the skull, with important cranial joints and sutures. The lambdoid suture extends through the back of the head. Each parietal bone joins the occipital bone in the lambdoid suture, that is, the lambdoid suture is the joint in the back of the skull that connects the parietal bones with the occipital bone.
As earth’s temperatures increase with climate change, the polar ice caps melt and the sea levels rise, leaving islands like Australia at risk of flooding and partial, permanent underwater submersion.
The cell theory is the idea that the basic unit of life is cells.
If it does not undergo cytokinesis, it means that the cell membrane does not divide to give two daughter cells, hence the two nucleus of daughter cells remain in the parent cell. Over time, this may trigger checkpoint responses in the cell and if cytokinesis cannot be activated to divide the parent cell into two daughter cells, the cell will be killed via apoptosis.