Non-organic matter fits the gap perfectly.
Hope it helped!
The mesencephalon gives rise to the midbrain and aqueduct of
the midbrian(cerebal aqueduct). Both the prosencephalon and rhombencephalon
develops in to the metencephalon and myelencephalon. The telencephalon develops into the cerebrum
and lateral ventricles. The diencephalon forms the thalamus, hypothalamus, and
The dna is not copied before meiosis 2
Earth has been our place for many years. all inhabitants on earth are causing great destruction. along the way we tried to resolve issues yet some we couldn't figure out. the one we couldn't figure out had made a great impact on our world today. Just how do we stop it? Many ways actually, taking pollution for example. pollution is a great cause for why earth isn't as lively as before. along the years we've polluted 92% of the earths air. causing us to breathe unhealthy air. We can easily fix this problem with finding new ways to get somewhere like riding a bike or taking an energy efficient car. Therefore, we humans have change the world dramatically by doing good things and bad things, too. but in the end we are the ones causing earth to nearly give up, so we can also be the ones to let the earth forgive.
hope this helps you out!
TIP: change it up so you don't do plagiarism:)