B. Perception
Complete awarness of an object is the perception of it. Perception is the act of result of a percipting or being completely aware. Therefore perception os correcto.
L0ckdown measures have been introduced worldwide to contain the transmissi0n of C0VID-19.
A number of studies showed positive impacts of l0ckdown in China and European countries.
Although the term ‘l0ckdown’ is now ub1quitous, it is not well-defined.
There are also no clear definitions of commonly used adjectives for the term such as ‘total l0ckdown’ and ‘partial l0ckdown’; and ‘hard’ or a ‘soft’ l0ckdown.
We have define ‘l0ckdown’ using a two-by-two matrix based on whether measures are c0mpulsory or v0luntary; and whether they are targeted at ident1fiable individuals and facilit1es, or applied 1ndiscriminately to a general population.
We describe the design, timing and 1mplementation of l0ckdown in nine countries in sub-S4haran Afr1ca: Gh4na, N1geria, S0uth Afr1ca, S1erra Leo0ne, Sud4n, T4nzania, Ug4nda, Zamb1a and Z1mbabwe.
This paper highlights the need for intersect0ral and transd1sciplinary research capable of providing a rig0rous and h0listic assessment of the harms and benefits of l0ckdown.
line, shape and form, space, color and texture
The Burning of the Houses of Parliament
I Iove j-hope :)))) //////////