The correct answer is "Fist sequence; Fourth sequence; Second sequence; Third sequence".
Inversion of DNA is a process that often occurs during evolution of chromosomes. It occurs when the breakage of a chromosome in two places, results in the reinsertion of a DNA but in a reversed fashion. The evolutionary order of predecessors of inversion of DNA can be established by looking on the number of nucleotides that are different in the sequences of DNA. In this case, the first sequence is the ancestor and it haves the sequence "ABCDEF". The second in the evolutionary order is the fourth sequence since it originates from the first sequence only by changing the "BC" nucleotides to the end of the sequence "ADEFBC". The third in the evolutionary order is the second sequence since it still starts in AB, but has the other four nucleotides different: "ABFEDC". The last in the evolutionary order is the third sequence, which is completely different and reversed respect to the first sequence: "FEDABC".
If there is decrease in albedo in the arctic sea, It could heat up the sea then it'd lead up to methane to escape from ice crystals.
So basically, loss of albedo in the arctic will make warming faster that'd lead to ice crystals leaking methane, from what I've heard.
rifts between eastern us and western africa
Tuj1 induces expression of the TauEGFP protein. Tuj1 is expressed in fibroblasts and neurons. Tuj1 is an early marker of neural differentiation.
The genome of an organism is inscribed in DNA, or in some viruses RNA. The portion of the genome that codes for a protein or an RNA is referred to as a gene. Those genes that code for proteins are composed of tri-nucleotide units called codons, each coding for a single amino acid.