False, states like Virginia had them, mainly in the South, the ones that was mainly based on agriculture, but not all of them had slaves. States like Rhode Island didn't have any.
One adjective is abolishable. Which just means something is able to be abolished.
Another is abolitionidt which means in favor of abolishing.
Industrialization is a transformation away from an agricultural- or resource-based economy, toward an economy based on mass manufacturing. Industrialization is usually associated with increases in total income and living standards in a society.
The correct option here is A
A) A group of members invited William of Orange to “invade” England
James the second attempted to introduce religious tolerance and especially more rights for the catholics in a country that was strongly anglican. This was a period after the reformation when Nothern Europe was engulfed in religious civil war.
B. Creating a two house legislature, the senate which each state gets 2 senators for representation and the house of representative which has representation based on the population of a state