Dryads are mythological spirits who make their homes in trees.
1) correct spelling of spirts > spirits
2) Dryads is plural, so you need the pronoun to be 'their' not 'its'
3) I changed home> homes because presumably the dryads live in multiple homes, but it could be argued that 'make their home' is an expression and is acceptable.
4) I would not add a comma before the 'who' because in this sentence it seems that making their homes in trees is an essential part of defining who Dryads are.
He wanted to indicate his strong support for the program, and this [speech] was the chance to do it." At Rice, Kennedy stressed that humanity's charge into space is inexorable, and that the world would be better off with the United States leading the way
D. Native Americans are engaged in ongoing struggles for rights
In the poem "The Bean Eaters," Brooks describes a couple of old people. She talks about the life they live, and the image is one of simplicity and routine. We learn that the couple is not wealthy, and in fact, they are quite poor. This is the reason they mostly eat beans. The poem is meant to highlight the injustice of poverty, and the sad situation of people like this couple. Brook's use of end rhyme and internal rhyme contributes to this overall meaning. It helps develop the idea of desolation and simplicity that characterizes the couple's existence.
A. Children who hear learn to communicate naturally, while deaf children must overcome obstacles.