They did this because the soil was more fertile while it got harder to farmer further West
This geographic polarization makes the population politically speaking to be very divided because these points of geographical difference are very significant for determining political polarization.
Classical Political Geography has as its precursor the German geographer Friedrich Ratzel, who laid the scientific and systematizing bases for this science with the publication, in 1897, of the work Political Geography. For Ratzel, the strength of the State was closely linked to space - in its shape, extent, relief, climate and availability of natural resources -, to its position - social relations established between the State and its circulating environment at the national and international level - and, finally, to the sense (or spirit) of the people, which represented the strength of that determined people in relation to another. These ideas, understood in a simplistic and distorted way, would be known as "geographic determinism". (Geographical determinism, however, occurs when natural elements are given the sole role in defining the constitutive aspects of societies.)
It impacts our community in many ways. Like the First Amendment, it allows us to practice our religion the way we want without being interfered by the government. Freedom of speech, we are allowed to debate and talk about controversial topics, and much more.
California it’s wrong but I need some points
C. Created competition and other countries began to explore new lands