"Marigolds" takes place in a rural African-Amercian community during the 1930s. While reading the story you can see how the setting influences the narrator's experiences and the conflicts she faces. The last two sentences develop the idea that the narrator is learning the importance of understanding what makes a person unique: " For one does not have to be ignorant and poor to find that one’s life is barren as the dusty yards of one’s town. And I too have planted marigolds". You have to accept things as they are, without thought or question.
Good afternoon librarian I would like to apologize for returning the book late. I had no attention keeping it in late, I got into the book and wanted to re read the whole thing before turning it in. Thank you
I want to take over the tri state area.
He does not want them to hear the Siren's song because then they will die.
A metaphor compares two things and does not use the words "like" or "as"