Explanation: Melanthius the goatherd and suitors throw away a chance to redeem themselves when at one point Odysseus disguises himself as an inhabitant of the street and Melanthius comes out to meet him who, without recognizing him, mocks him and physically assaults him by causing blows to his hip. Then before Odysseus himself he denies knowing about that beggar. That situation shows his disloyal stance towards his master. As for the suitors, without first confirming that what Melanthius says is true, they reprimand Eumaeus, who is the one who surprises Melanthius trying to steal weapons in order to give the suitors in favor of what happened. Another show of disloyalty to Odysseus who orders that he be tied and hung on beams.
A rise of a middle class and capitalist market economy caused by the black plague and fall of fuedalism
The most recgonizable change during the Renaissance was the fall of feudalism and the rise of a capitalist market economy. An increase in trade and a labor shortage caused by the Black Death created a middle class.
heyyyy! I will get your answer and reply to this question because this is kinda hard!
Linkage institutions are an access point for citizens to connect with their government for the purpose of expressing their policy preferences.
Here are the four linkage institutions examples:<span>1. Political Parties
2. Interest Groups
3. Media
4. Elections
Hope this helps :)</span>