Texto literario:
•función poética o artística
•estilo cuidado y labrado
•lenguaje variado y rico
•representación de la realidad
Texto no literario:
•función instructiva,
•función informativa o didáctica
estilo sobrio, claro y conciso
•lenguaje no ambiguo
•carácter divulgativo
La reacción de la amiga es estoy cansado
1. conseguimos
2. nos vestimos
3. pidieron
4. pedí
5. prefirió
6. sirvió
7. se sintió
The Simple Preterite indicates an enunciated action that is considered finished. It applies to actions completed in the past that are not necessarily related to the factual status of the present situation.
It is used in Spanish to express: actions that take place at a certain moment in the past in a timely manner or a new action that occurs in the past and that interrupts a course of action that was already in progress and that is expressed in the past tense.
la officina de inmigracion
When you arrive in another country it is necessary to go through the immigration office if you have something to declare
You need a word document with pictures