There would be different answers depending on what type of person you are, but here are what my answers would be:
1. Anxiety, Confidence, and my P.E. grades.
2. I am trying to overcome anxiety.
3. I need to learn not to worry, and to just let things go with the flow.
How does an individual rise above hardship? - It depends on the individual, but many people just need the motivation to get through whatever they are going through.
Have you ever felt like a rose growing from concrete, conquering an obstacle you faced? - Yes, when I first started 7th grade, I was in virtual due to the pandemic. I managed to keep an A average in every class.
Do you know of anyone else around you who is like the rose growing from the concrete? - My dad, he used to be on drugs very bad, but he has started getting sober. He even has a job now!
Dear Diary
Explanation:Today was thow such a wonderous day. My dear Romeo snuck to my castle. Today we ran away for a little of daylight. We came back unfortunatley. When I arrived to my living quarters Father was there with another boy. Father spoke of marriage. I could not believe it. I do not want another man other than my true love romeo!
Yes I do, for example a history tv show or a social media page could explain and elaborate on history. I do think though that social medias are less reliable than Wikipedia's or other things, because not many people will just post some facts or reliable stuff on there. They could be lying because its the internet and some people believe that nothing will happen to them or they think its a joke. Well I could elaborate more but thats just the tip of the iceberg.
The prepositional phrase comes at the end of the sentence: in one hand.
Here, the preposition is "in" and the entire prepositional phrase is "in one hand." This phrase is describing the location of the rattle.
Condemnation means "An expression of very strong disapproval."
This definition could go for any of the examples above, depending on if the characters had disagreed upon anything. C, however, would be the best example for condemnation.