The percentage that falls in the November is 25%
To get the percentage of the precipitation during the month of the November divide the given amount of precipitation in the November into the total amount of precipitation in a year.
PERCENTAGE FALLS IN THE NOVEMBER = given average of precipitation in the year of November / total precipitation falls in the year
given from the data the average precipitation in November is = 35 cm
solution, percentage falls in the November = 35 cm/140 cm
= 25%
The percentage that falls in the November is 25%.
It resulted in the national government pulling the last federal troops from the south and formally ending the reconstruction era
Answer: During the Venezuelan crisis (2010-present) many things happened:
- National and per capita GDPs between 2013-2017 were lower than those of the US during the Great Depresion.
- +240 deaths, +18400 injuries and +34000 detained.
- Venezuela has developed an estimated debt of 105 billion US$.
- There have been constant shortages of all types of products, even basic necessities like toilet paper or medicine.
- Venezuela´s unemployment rate increased drastically and the country´s economy became one of the poorest in the world.