land surfaces heat and cool more rapidly than water surfaces because of the high specific heat of water.
- The change is due to the fact that the land surface as compared to the water surface absorbs more amount of heat and can easily release the same amount of heat at much faster rate.
- While the oceans of the seas have specific heat or water has a heat-retaining capacity like the latent heat it is sensible heat.
- <u>Thus when coming to Columbus in winters the temperature is colder than the coastal city of Atlanta NJ as the effect of the land and the sea breezes and also temperature extremes are known to be found in the interiors of the continents.</u>
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are in constant conflict over the land in the Middle East.
The Middle East is a region that is important for many reasons, and one of them is religious importance. This area is actually the birthplace of three major religions, the so-called Abrahamic religions. The three religions that emrged in this region are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, in that order.
Judaism came first, and what is now Israel is considered as the holy land for this religion. Despite many attempts to forcefully removing the Jews from this area, some of them still managed to survive there and many more came back in the last century to reclaim what they consider as historically theirs.
Christianity emerged from Judaism. What is now Israel is also holy to it, and especially the city of Jerusalem. The claim of the Christians for this region is that their religion emerged there and its holy places have to be in their hands and no one else.
Islam came last, emerging from Christianity. Soon it became the dominant religion in the region through conquest and assimilation. It has been dominant in the area for over a milennium, so the claim is that it is historically theirs and since they managed to conquer the place it belongs to them.
The sequence is in the following order;
- The sun radiated sunlight (visible) photons
- Photons from the sun strike the earth and become infrared photons
- Earth radiates infrared photons into the atmosphere
- CO2 in the atmosphere absorb infrared photons
- CO2 in the atmosphere emit infrared photons back towards earth