Responsible government is a conception of a system of government that embodies the principle of parliamentary accountability, the foundation of the Westminster system of parliamentary democracy.
B. They provide services.
Answer: Disjunctive
Explanation: A disjunctive concept is one characterized by either one of several concepts. Disjunctive concept is characterized based on the possession of at least one of any set of attribute characterizing a particular activity or action. For an event to occur, it should posses a certain feature or another in a given set of features required for such event to take place.
In the scenario above, once either one of the two events(1 and 2) occurs, then we have a 'strike'.
They are conductin a comparative study.
Comparative research is a methodology used to compare results accross different populations. In this case, Brad and Greg have chosen two different countries, United States and Ireland, in order to compare results and verify if Piaget's theory can be generalized and taken as universal. Comparative research allows researchers to analize variables that vary from one culture to another and that are a result of social and cultural environments that corresond to a specific time and space.