I belive this would be false. Any property my family owns, taxes are always a big deal when it comes to it.
According to Aristotle, the friendship of virtue and good will probably be the rarest in number.
Aristotle describes friendship is the reciprocated sharing of goodwill between two people. He classified friendship into three types – friendship of utility, friendship of pleasure, friendship of virtue and good.
According to him, friendship of virtue and good is of the highest value and the rarest in number. It is the only selfless type of friendship where one individual wants and does only what is good to the other person and only for the sake of the other person.
It is completely based on the goodwill between the friends based on true constructive selfless friendship. In this type, each friend encourages, supports, nurtures, celebrates, honors, and sustains the other one.
One needs to be truly sincerely virtuous to his/her friend to maintain friendship of virtue and good and this becomes the rarest in number.
D is your answer for question #1:Three-fifths compromise, compromise agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention (1787) that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives; Second Question #2: The existing national government lacks the ability to add new states to the union, D is your answer.
I would reccomend them to call a helplinme