Their was a Dutch colony in the Americas because they wished to gain from the new worlds profits.The Dutch built trading posts along Hudson River. Dutch merchants were well known because of their good business.
Increased border control, enlightened rulers turned against France, & the Legislative Assembly declared war on multiple states. devince used during reign of terror to execute by beheading. ... 2 house legislature & executive body.
A hunter-gatherer is a human living in a society in which most or all food is obtained by foraging. A nomad is someone who lives by traveling from place to place. Nomadic thus means anything that involves moving around a lot. Nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes follow the animals they hunt, carrying tents with them. You don't have to be a nomad to live a nomadic lifestyle. Hunter-gatherer societies stand in contrast to agricultural societies, which rely mainly on domesticated species.
Inequality, dictatorship, weak/poor/bad government
At age 16, Adams earned a scholarship to attend Harvard University. After graduating in 1755, at age 20, Adams studied law in the office of James Putnam, a prominent lawyer, despite his father's wish for him to enter the ministry. In 1758, he earned a master's degree from Harvard and was admitted to the bar.