That means the man was the head of the household.
Answer: D. Armenians
Explanation: Tamaz V. Gamkrelidze and Vyacheslav Ivanov proposed the Armenian speculation. The Armenian theory recommends that Proto-Indo-European was talked in Eastern Anatolia, Southern Caucasus and Northern Mesopotamia which are situated in the fringes of Europe and parts of Asia. It shows the general population went from Proto-Indo-European country to other neighboring parts of the world.
Answer: All of these.
The media should work in the service of the public and citizens. The main task of the media is to report objectively, impartially and truthfully. The media should inform citizens about all political actors on the scene, their actions and results so that citizens can decide in the elections which option is best for them. The media should not censor the news. Citizens should become fully aware of the information.
Communication should not be censored but should be transmitted adequately so that citizens can have full insight into the situation. Censorship is desirable in some explicit and violent cases, but the news context and framework should not be made available to the public.Media outlets must have complete freedom to inform the public. They should not be subjected to political or any other pressure. Only in these circumstances can the media not bias and objectively inform the public.