Had trouble finding attackers in the dense jungles.
Often, the Viet Cong would use guerilla warfare against the americans, they also hid underground and made secret villages.
Africans played a direct role in the slave trade, kidnapping adults and stealing children for the purpose of selling them, through intermediaries, to Europeans or their agents. Those sold into slavery were usually from a different ethnic group than those who captured them, whether enemies or just neighbors.
boooooy I tell you what -
Manifest Destiny was a 19th-century belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
They got all hyped up on coca cola and jolly ranchers and began moving out west fast as all heck. Firstly many believed God himself approved of their decision to expend westward ( you know how fierce religious beliefs were). Then you have to remember the impact gold can have on a mans mind, they heard bout gold in California and well the reasons added up to make it seem nearly criminal not to go. Those are just some of my reasons of how the belief in manifest destiny compounded the influence upon much of the american people. ( pardon some non-factual events )