The Era of Good Feelings.
The industrial growth had major effects on American life. The new business activity centred on cities. As a result, people moved to cities in record numbers, and the cities grew by leaps and bounds.
Some factors of the Great Depression were the burst of the 1920s credit bubble in the United States as well as the overinflated investing market during the same decade. It helped cause WW2 by radicalising Germans (really by the Nazis) against the rest of the world who they already blamed for their troubles during the 20s.
The movie Industry
Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877, and it quickly became the most popular home-entertainment device of the century. Seeking to provide a visual accompaniment to the phonograph, Edison commissioned Dickson, a young laboratory assistant, to invent a motion-picture camera in 1888.
They demand independence from Spain's colonial rules