Las transiciones a la democracia se consideran con mayor frecuencia el resultado de procesos históricos de modernización. Los cambios socioeconómicos, como el aumento del PNB per cápita, los niveles de educación, la urbanización y las comunicaciones, se han encontrado tradicionalmente como correlatos o "requisitos" de la reforma democrática. Sin embargo, los tiempos de transición y el número de pasos de reforma no se han estudiado de manera exhaustiva.
Una democracia es un sistema político, o un sistema de toma de decisiones dentro de una institución u organización o un país, en el que todos los miembros tienen la misma participación en el poder. Las democracias modernas se caracterizan por dos capacidades que las diferencian fundamentalmente de formas anteriores de gobierno: la capacidad de intervenir en sus propias sociedades y el reconocimiento de su soberanía por un marco legalista internacional de estados igualmente soberanos. El gobierno democrático se yuxtapone comúnmente con sistemas oligárquicos y monárquicos, que están gobernados por una minoría y un único monarca, respectivamente.
The primary charge against Johnson was that he had violated the Tenure of Office Act, passed by Congress in March 1867, over his veto. ... The impeachment and trial of Andrew Johnson had important political implications for the balance of federal legislative-executive power.
Cause: Violating the Tenure of Office Act
Outcome: Acquitted by the U.S. Senate,
C. Liquidating their merchandise
<em>Voting is important in a democracy not only to exercise your right to vote, but to usher in Leaders with creative ideas to bring about change in the society and for the betterment of the people of the country.</em>
<em>From my own personnel view, my right to vote is very important,because it will enable me in participate in the democratic process. mostly importantly, the value of my vote is to enable not just me but other citizens of the country to usher in leaders that are credible that has creative ideas, and also that will support the interests of the people.</em>
<em>Two reasons why voting is important in a democracy is stated as follows:</em>
- <em>It enables how a person effects political change and achieves their political aims in a democracy.</em>
- <em>It enables the rule of law.</em>
<em>I intend to vote when am over 18, to exercise my right as a citizen of the country with the believe to elect in credible leaders to secure the lives and property of the people, and make a better life and improvement for the people.</em>
Plato and Aristotle disagreed about the relative importance of Nature and Nurture.
<em>Plato</em> introduced the term nativism (<em>Nature</em>) as the idea that our thoughts, ideas and characteristics are inborn. In other words, we are believed to be born with these thoughts, ideas and characteristics, and that they are already in our genes.
On other hand, Aristotle introduced the idea to us of empiricism, or <em>Nurture</em>. He described this as, knowledge is gained through experience (senses). Our thoughts and ways are not because of our genetic make-up, but because of how we were raised and brought up by our parents and overall lifestyle.