Since budgeting allows you to create a spending plan for your money, it ensures that you will always have enough money for the things you need and the things that are important to you. Following a budget or spending plan will also keep you out of debt or help you work your way out of debt if you are currently in debt.
When I went to the park on Saturday with my ______ we met a dog and it looked beautiful . It had a collar on and a tag but I didn’t want to return it. I got the dog then, played with it. I saw a flyer for a lost dog and realized that’s the dog I was playing with! I realized that it needed to go home with its family but I didn’t want to let it go. So I didn’t tell anyone about it and kept playing with the dog . Later that same day I went back to the park to look for the dog but I found a little girl crying I felt bad so I went to go ask her if she was okay, she said her dog ran away and that she couldn’t find him anywhere. I asked her to describe the dog and she described the dog as the same one I saw today. I realized I took away a family members of hers so I told her what happened with the dog. She told me I shouldn’t have done that and I realized that you shouldn’t take stuff from people because you don’t know how much it means to them. It was a unforgettable day because I learned a unforgettable lesson that I still use today. I felt really bad for her and promised I wouldn’t do things like that again.
This has 239 words in total. Please fill in the blanks!
Hi! I would love to help you. I just need some more information about your question. :D I just need to understand your question
I think friendship means to have someones back and always be there for that person no matter what. Friendships don't always last and that's okay because people change. People say "Oh, we're gonna be friends forever and ever!!". That's not what friendship is. People will always hcange and it's a good thing to change. My point is, friendship means that a friend will be there for you but they will depart from you one day.
Hope this helps
Just like with any other essay type, an informative outline essay format includes three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. However, before to actually start writing down the main points on each of them, you need to complete several other important steps.