This has made has made me to see that there is more to life. This had shown me that as you grow older even responsibilities and tasks become more.
A not to fail
studying is necessary to pass and ensure success
Parents have also been taught by society to eat and like the latest
sweets and snack food. Therefore, it is really difficult to change this attitude that in the household. Browsing through the product label takes a lot of time and not many people do it. Another thing is that healthy food is very expensive. So that, people prefer sweets and snacks.
"Usher rose from a sofa on which he had been lying at full length, and greeted me with a vivacious warmth which had much in it"
In this line, Usher's behavior of rising from the sofa to greet the narrator is a sign of friendly hospitality even though it seems as he rarely gets up from the sofa. Also, the narrator describes his greeting as vivacious. Vivacious means full of life and energy. This is in complete contrast to what we learn about Roderick Usher.While Usher is glad his friend has come, he is not full of life or energy.