1. Are peste 300 de specii de pasari
2.Este singura rezervatie naturala unde traieste cainele enot
3. Sunt specii de pesti care depun icre negre
They will actually explode or burst
So What happens is the pure water outside has a high water potential while the cytoplasm inside the animal cell is a low water potential, water will diffuse down a water potential gradient through the semi-permeable membrane of the animal cell and cause the cell to swell (inflate like a fully-blown balloon), the result is that the delicate, elastic cell membrane<span> can't tolerate the internal pressure coming from the cytoplasm so it tears causing the cell to burst.</span><span>
It is a result of. Erosion
When they are breathed in, they can become trapped in the lungs and stay there for many years. Many problems might result in accumulation of such. One would be asbestosis, an inflammatory condition of lungs that can cause shortness of breath. Another would be mesothelioma, a rare cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, chest cavity, or abdomen.
B. speed up the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine