They thought the power of the Government could limited by dividing the power between different branches and levels of government.
The Constitution is based on the separation of powers and a system of checks and balances. The founders felt that by dividing the power between three branches the power of government could be limited.
They were following the advice of Baron Montiesque that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The philosophy was that people want to do good but are easily corrupted doing what is bad. Therefore people have to be protected from the power of the government.
The bill of rights the first 10 amendments to the constitution were also designed to limit the power of the government and protect the people from the power of the government.
The second amendment allows the people to have weapons so that the people can over throw the government. The tenth amendment is suppose to limit the power of federal government. Any powers that are not specifically given to the federal government are reserved for the state governments and the individual people.
The US enhanced their army draft, The USFA(United States Food Administration) became the biggest supplier of food
A. they follow around cows and eat their milk and meat. make clothes out of their skin.
o really didn't have enough info to go on. this one is a guess.
Answer: in relation to medieval society and psychology, renaissance constitutes counter-movement. So, if Middle Ages are introverted, Renaissance is extraverted. If Middle Ages are theocentric, Renaissance is anthropocentric. If Middle Ages are totally European (with an exception of Crusades), Renaissance transcends Europe and becames more cosmopolitan. The same is true in science. Renaissance science is extraverted is looking for God not in heavens but in the nature ! It is able to experiment and think outside the box.
Explanation: Renaissance is a revolutionary time in all respects.
They were known as Protestants