A mountain peak on a topographic map a mountain would be represented by parallel contours of elevation according to the shape of the peak and the overall shape would be coming to a point or the peak of the mountain and since it is a mountain the contours would be fairly close together.
For maps you just need to look at the place you want then, try to find where you are and then go go go!
Marine protection is driven by the showed negative impacts being found in our condition, for example, species misfortune, living space corruption and changes in biological community works and spotlights on restricting human-made harm marine environments, reestablishing harmed marine biological communities, and saving powerless species.
Human effects on marine biological systems. Human exercises influence marine biological systems because of contamination, overfishing, the presentation of obtrusive species, and fermentation, which all effect on the marine nourishment web and may prompt generally obscure ramifications for the biodiversity and survival of marine living things.
China has become a world leader in production of farm products including rice, wheat, potatoes, sorghum, peanuts, tea millet, barley, cotton, oilseed and soybeans. Initially going back eons, first the use of cast iron tools and beasts of burden were introduced in agriculture. Now, while communes have beendisbanded, and individual farming has been restored, there are quotas for the individual farmers and also some state farms. In modern times, mechanization has been promoted and state sponsored projects like the Three Gorges Dam has provided significant irrigation.