I would add me gusta and no me gusta before the ones you like and don't like. Gusta means i like and no me gusta means i don't like so you will be golden!!
vine. voy. iré
puse. pongo. pondre
salí. salgo. saldré
traje. traigo. traeré
dí. doy. daré
Assuming you speak of past, present and future
24 is c & 26 is d ..............
"Eficacia" refers to the impact or effect obtained from an action.
"Eficiencia" refers to the relationship between the resources used in a project and the achievements made with it.
An entrepreneur is a person who designs, launches and starts a business, based on an innovation.
The person who identifies an opportunity and organizes the resources needed to take it is called an entrepreneur.
"Eficacia" is the ability to achieve the desired or expected effect. It refers to the impact or effect of an action carried out in the best possible or experimental conditions. For an entrepreneur, it refers to the impact or effect of an action on the level of sales or customers obtained from said action. Efficiency is the level of achievement of goals and objectives. Efficiency refers to our ability to achieve what we propose.
"Eficiencia" refers to the production of the goods or services most valued by society at the lowest possible social cost. It therefore responds to the extent to which the consequences of the project are desirable from an economic perspective. In summary, it means maximizing the return (output) of a given investment. Efficiency is the relationship between the resources used in a project and the achievements made with it. Therefore, efficiency is achieved when fewer resources are used to achieve the same objective.
1. Hace dos años que Matt y Cameron practican la pesca.
2. Hace solo un mes que Gianna juega a los bolos.
3. Hace solo dos semanas que Amanda no va a los ensayos del club de baile.
4. Hace cinco años que Hannah y Jenna son animadoras del equipo de básquetbol.
5. Hace veinte minutos que Aiden esta en línea.