Pacific Standard Time
PST (Pacific Standard Time) is one of the well-known names of UTC-8 time zone which is 8h. behind of UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The time offset from UTC can be written as -08:00. It's used during the winter. During the summer PDT - Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7) is in use
It allowed women to vote when they couldn't before.
The climate in North China is dry & hot
Peter the Great; he ruled over Russia. His biggest accomplishments are making the country much bigger than it was, and the reformation that took place when he modernized and westernized the country.
Ivan the Terrible; he ruled over Russia. He conquered large territories, mostly in Central Asia and Siberia, and he also reformed the country by making it from a medieval country to an empire.
Catherine II; she ruled over Russia. Her biggest accomplishments are making the Russian Empire much bigger than what it was, and gaining a status and recognition as one of the European superpowers.
Here you go I typed it up