The clown who plays the accordian is funny.
The phrase (who plays the accordian) is the parenthetical comment since it just gives more information about the clown in question.
He objects to Ahab’s pursuit of a creature that is too cunning. Captain Ahab intends to save Starbuck while they are sailing on the seas. During their trip the boats are attacked by Mobydick. This is the reason why Captain Ahab objects to Starbuck's desire and he forgets about his promise.
Answer: 30X
Given that speed =30miles per hour(mph)
Time t= x hours(not given)
Distance covered= Speed × Time
Therefore, Distance=30× X
The unit of distance is m
The equation to be used in relation to her time is 30X. Where X will be substituted for by time (t)
Answer: Don’t believe the news. it shows us the problem. it’s not safe it messes up our health. Just see a doctor if your health is bothering you. Doctors tell you everything. We will be better because we will take what is good and not believe in the bad. Example believing in advertising that show goods things about healthy food and exercises.