Hard Drive is not recommended for long-term archiving because the storage media can degrade over time,
<h3>What type of storage is recommended for long term data retention?</h3>
The long method used to long-term retention is the use of cloud. Cloud-based are known to be a form of cold storage that is made up of intelligent storage software.
Note that Hard Drive is not a long term kind of storage in the above context and as such, PE storage is not recommended for long-term archiving because the storage media can degrade over time,
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Python Code
total = 0.0
change = 0.0
itemone = float(input("Enter the first price: "))
itemtwo = float(input("Enter the second price: "))
itemthree = float(input("Enter the third price: "))
total = itemone + itemtwo + itemthree
print("Total:", total)
cash = float(input("Cash given: "))
change = total - cash
print("Your change:", change)
B, the NOR gate
The truth table of a NOR gate is below.
name = input("What is you name?")
fav_number = input("What is you favorite number?")
print(name + " your favorite number is " + fav_number + "!")