To this city also are brought articles of greater cost and rarity, and in greater abundance of all kinds, than to any other city
in the world. For people of every description, and from every region . . . including all the costly wares of India, as well as the fine and precious goods of Cathay . . . some for the sovereign, some for the court, some for the city which is so great . . . between court and city the quantity brought in is endless. As a sample, I tell you, no day in the year passes that there do not enter the city 1,000 cartloads of silk alone. Which description summarizes Marco Polo’s description of Beijing? a small city that does not care for trade a large city untouched by foreign influence a large city with vibrant foreign trade an isolated city hostile to foreigners
Marco Polo was deeply impressed by the East. As a european from the XIII century, he wasn't used to the sight of so much trade, luxury and comfort. He travelled through the whole Silk Road, but it was China, and especially its capital Beijing, what made the biggest impression on him. On this excerpt he describes the city as A large city with vibrant foreign trade.
Answer:The problem was that Charles II did not have an heir. The French wanted Duke Philip to succeed the throne while the Hapsburgs recommended Archduke Charles to the throne. Both sides had firm claims and this would affect the balance of power in the area.