In this case, it is given that <em>Mycoplasma pneumoniae </em>lacks cell wall. some antibiotics such as penicillin works by interfering the synthesis of the cell walls. As these microbes do not have cell wall, the penicillin like antibiotics would not work.
In this case, the antibiotics, which interferes with the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) formation and replication can work. The ciproflaxin is an antibiotic, which work by inactivating the enzyme required for DNA replication in bacteria. Hence, the antibiotic ciproflaxin would be effective for treating the given condition.
Skin remains red after a bad sun burn because:
inflammation causes increased blood flow.
When our skin is exposed to sun rays , the epidermal layer starts getting damaged. The damage to the cell caused by sun rays triggers the melanin secretion. Increased secretion of melanin results in darkening of the exposed region .
However, the damage and inflammation to the skin increases blood flow to the skin, this causes reddening of the skin.
The answer is; YES
All organisms share one common ancestor in the beginning of life. Different species have branched at different times from common ancestors hence he evolutionary tree looks like tree called a cladogram. The nodes represent the common ancestry while branches depict divergence. Therefore even fruit flies and the fruit bats even though they do not belong to the same species shared a common ancestor at one time in history.