The glomerulus is a knot of cappilaries inside the Bowman's capsule. ... Podocytes are cells that have 'foot-like extensions' which are wrapped around a capillary. This increases the surface area for filtration.
<span>Skin, mucous membranes, sloughing of dead skin, tears (lysosymes/flow of fluid), sweat, normal microbial flora of skin Hope this is helpful and the BRAINLIEST answer!</span>
1. Buccal cavity (oral cavity) and the nasal passage opens into Pharynx. Pharynx opens into esophagus of the digestive system and opens into larynx of the respiratory system.
2. It is an organ which is found in both vertebrates and non-vertebrates. However, the structure may vary from species to species.
3. The word “Pharynx” is derived from the Greek words “Pharunx” or “Pharung”. Its plural form is pharynges.
Great Question! Mass is basically how heavy Something is. Most people confuse mass with weight but there very different from each other. Weight is the downward force something has because of gravity. Mass can be measured in a variety of units too. The second part of the question is how it affects density. It affects it because to find the density you need to be able to find the mass since the formula is Mass divided by volume. I hope this helped you understand a little bit more about mass. Have a great day!