Because that was the only support they could really get, mainly because the government always sided with the factory owners because they were the ones making the money for them. <span />
Confederate general who won the First Battle of Bull Run. Southern general who was offered command of the U.S Army, but turned it down because his home state seceded from the union.
Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of the properties of a triangle. The sides and angles of a triangle are related to each other through the use of different trigonometric functions.
Further, astronomy is the branch of science that deals with the heavenly or celestial bodies. Apparently, in most cases, if we are to determine the distances between them, we require the use of the trigonometric functions for the proper measurement.
Also, we are able to predict the proper movement of the celestial bodies based on the projected sides of triangles.
In the 1820s and 1830s, a market revolution was transforming American business and global trade. Factories and mass production increasingly displaced independent artisans. Farms grew and produced goods for distant, not local, markets, shipping them via inexpensive transportation like the Erie Canal.
I am pretty sure it was the Ming dynasty