Answer: I agree mostly with #4 • dreams and nightmares can reveal subconscious desires and fears.
this is because nightmares are always of your fears, and your brain makes up a fictional or nonfictional worst-case scenario about it, and plays the images that your mind creates
I'm assuming that you only need one line rather than an entire poem:
His critics are squishable ants.
Bart was a raging tiger when he lost his lunch.
Homer has the heart of a lion.
Hi, the correct answer would be D - vacuous. A doesn't make sense, why would it be a Catholic conversation? B - "incipient" means "emerging, beginning to develop", so it doesn't fit here. C - omnipotent, means "having unlimited power". Thus, the only logical answer would be vacuous, meaning "lifeless, inanimate", which leads to it becoming tiresome.