Religion can be a central part of one’s identity. The word religion comes from a Latin word that means “to tie or bind together.” Modern dictionaries define religion as “an organized system of beliefs and rituals centering on a supernatural being or beings.” To belong to a religion often means more than sharing its beliefs and participating in its rituals; it also means being part of a community and, sometimes, a culture.
A Law is a set of rules accepted by the country, whereas code is a standard accepted by an individual, society, or a class.
In "To Kill A Mockingbird," in chapter 20, Mayella breaks both "law" and "code."
She breaks law by giving false statement against Tom in the court. And she broke the code, by tempting a Negro.
She accused Tom, who is black, of ra-pe and on the other hand, she lu-sts after a black man. However, breaking of law is more powerful because it involves punishment whereas breaking of code does not.
The abreviation after a word in a dictionary tell you what part of speech the word is. Such as noun (n), pronoun (pron), adjective (adj), adverb (adv), verb (vb), conjunction (conj), preposition (prep), or interjection (interj).
It is a conversation that must follow certain rules
it is important for them to firm and provide guidance.
being there for you is a parents job. they are there to guide you and give you guidance when it is needed. they won't always be your friend, you may not like it but they do what they do for a reason.