makes it less likely that the witnesses will forget important details. decreases the risk of lost evidence. Keeps a defendant who cannot pay bail from being held in jail for long periods.
13.) Although crusading continued throughout the 14th Century, the (4th Crusade) is the last one we'll focus on because it is the Crazy One. The Venetians built (500 ships), but then only 11,000 Crusaders actually made it down to Venice.
... the Venetians made the Crusaders a deal: "Help us capture the rebellious city of Zara, and we'll ferry you to Anatolia.
.... Zara was a Christian City, but the Crusaders agreed to help, resulting in the Pope (excommunicating) both them and the Venetians.
14. Later, the excommunicated Crusaders fought for the (Byzantine) emperor who failed to pay them so the Crusaders decided to rob and destroy the Byzantine Empire.
Constantinople was conquered by the (Turkish) in 1453.
15. ... and with the coming of the (Ottomans) the region remained solidly Muslim, as it is mostly today.