Similarities-- The French and the Patriots were both acquainted with the landscape and utilized exploring methods acquired structure the Indian clans. The two gatherings additionally utilized sneak assaults to trap the British.
Difference-- European battling rules. They battled in lines, on combat zones. The Patriots utilized guerrilla strategies, focusing on authority. Being the Patriots were untrained they utilized unpredictable strategies and battled as they had against adversary Indian clans.
Those are two completely different questions
<span>Many intellectuals and many of those working in development believe that the size of the world's population and its accelerated growth is the greatest problem and the gravest threat to humanity. Clearly, the ratio of the number of people to the amount of food available has an impact on nutrition, but how do these two factors interact? At the end of the eighteenth century the British political economist Thomas Malthus speculated that population growth could soon surpass production and food supply. By the end of the twentieth century, this had not happened, but malnutrition was widespread.</span>
Income is the money (annual earnings) that you make at your job, while wealth is what you own. Wealth is your net worth that includes the value of all of your assets minus your financial liabilities.
a rebelled against the communists.
the soviet union invaded them in 1979 for a decade.
pls mark brainliest