Pyramid of Menkaure
Pyramid of Menkaure. The third of the major pyramids at Giza belongs to Menkaure. This is the smallest of the three, rising to a height of 65 meters (213 feet), but the complex preserved some of the most stunning examples of sculpture to survive from all of Egyptian history.
treaty of paris of 1783 formally ended the American revolutionary war in the fall 1781 American & British troops fought the last major battle of the American revolutionary war in Yorktown Virginia
In 330 AD, Constantine, then the emperor of the Roman Empire, moved the seat of power to Constantinople. Then, Constantine founded a "second Rome" (the Byzantine Empire). The city was strategically placed on the trade routes between Europe and Asia, and the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, making it ideal for trade and travel.
France was on the verge of a general election and would not act without Britain’s support. Britain felt that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair and harsh on Germany, so they decided not to tale any action. As a result of this, so did France.
I think you can find it here