a. True
This statement correctly describes the ideal behavior of this vehicle. A slow vehicle can be as much of a hazard when driving as a fast vehicle. A slow vehicle can make it difficult for other cars to pass, or to make accurate predictions of the vehicle's behaviour. Therefore, if the slow vehicle is making it difficult for other cars to pass, the best thing to do is to pull to the right whenever possible in order to allow other cars to pass.
Yes it is
It is very important to monitor your employee, his growth and performance and contribution to the system of the company, and more importantly, his habit and is relationship with other in the office, his he a bad egg in the system ? So all this can be done without the consent to avoid the employee faking his behaviour ,this will help you to understand the person and see his flawless easily. So yes it is ethical.
The correct answer is the learning perspective.
According to the learning perspective, fears and anxieties are a classically conditioned responses or learned responses. When a previously neutral stimulus is followed by an unpleasant or fear provoking stimulus, people develop a fear of previously neutral stimulus. Here, Andrea experiences anxiety when she approaches a lake, because she learned to fear lakes through a past fearful experience involving a lake.
We say that a single study proves a theory because those who are smart enough can get it done quickly, and we say that a single study disproves a theory because that means it makes them feel smart when we disprove someone very intelligent but also it's to make sure if nothing was done wrong