The presence of small amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere warms Earth's surface, resulting in a planet that sustains liquid water and life. c. Changes in climate conditions can affect the health and function of ecosystems and the survival of entire species.Earth and its atmosphere are continuously altered. Plate tectonics shift the continents, raise mountains and move the ocean floor while processes not fully understood alter the climate. Such constant change has characterized Earth since its beginning some 4.5 billion years ago.
Out of the following given choices;
a. they increase the amount of energy transferred from the
lungs to the blood
b. they increase the flexibility of the lungs as they expand
during inhalation
c. they increase the volume of the lungs, allowing more
oxygen to be inhaled
d. they increase the surface area of the lungs, allowing the
efficient gas exchange
The answer is D. Due to their microscopic nature, they are numerous in the lungs and are also circular-shaped so as to increase the surface area for gaseous exchange.
Other characteristics of alveoli that increase gas exchange are that they thinned-walled (with only a layer of cells) and moist.
1.) everything that can be observed or explained scientifically. - natural phenomenon
2.) a well-supported explanation of all the evidence related to a natural phenomenon. - Theory
3.) the procedure of scientific inquiry used to investigate natural phenomena. -scientific method
coordinates the body's functions to maintain homeostasis during rest and exercise also to initiate and control movement, and all the physiological processes movement involves!