In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is partly to blame for Macbeth's downfall. They both react to the predictions that Macbeth will be king in the same way, even though separated: they both instantly jump to the conclusion that killing Duncan is what will be necessary for the prediction to be fulfilled
There are many kinds (can't name them all off the top of my head)
1. Telling someone you'll keep it a secret and then tell anyway...
2. Always being there for someone and then not
3. When you cheat on your husband/wife or someone you're in a relationship with
4. Using someone just to get some
Those are all I can think of (at the moment). But you can just pick whichever one you want.
All of the choices represent an
appropriate use of identity words. For Asian American relates academic
performances, for African American, concerns regarding racial inequality and
for Mexicans about their Spanish language. They represent the characteristic of
each race.