The correct answer will be "Project Gutenberg".
- Project Gutenberg continues to obtain lots of requests for authorization for using printed books, pictures, as well as derivatives from eBooks. Perhaps some applications should not be produced, because authorization would be included in the objects provided (as well as for professional usages).
- You can copy, hand it over, or m actually-use it underneath the provisions including its license that was included in the ebook.
So that the above is the right answer.
It is not possible to download RAM onto your computer.
RAM (Random-Access Memory) are physical objects installed onto your computer in the form of some sort of chip. Please do not attempt to download RAM from the internet, you may end up with malicious software on your computer. The only way to get more RAM is by installing more onto your computer or by looking at guides that can explain how to free up some RAM that may already be in use by an application.
Since we are using three disk allocation strategies,continuous linked and indexed,therof to process and read allocation strategies we need 99830 disk blocks.
You could use the program Weight Watchers. It tells you everything that you have listed.
The correct answer is A.
Even though the B option, Analogous Estimating, can be used to predict parameters such as cost, scope etc. based on other similar projects done in the past, it is not the best option in our situation because we don't have enough information on the project to give us a detailed estimation. So the technique we should use is given in option A as Monte Carlo Analysis.
Monte Carlo Analysis is especially effective when there are a lot of unknowns or variables in play such as in our case where we don't have a lot of details. It can be used to predict the uncertainties, risks and their impacts on our project.
I hope this answer helps.