The answer is <span>Unified Communications. </span><span>You step out of your office and miss a telephone call. when you sit at your desk you notice that the voicemail light is blinking on your phone, you have a new email, and you have a transcribed instant message on your computer screen in the form of an instant message. your organization has most likely adopted Unified Communications type of technology. </span>
La unidad de medida de energía oficial es el Joule (J). El kilovatio / hora (kWh), utilizado especialmente para la energía eléctrica, debe figurar entre las unidades más comunes de medición de energía (de hecho, se utiliza para calcular las facturas de electricidad). Entonces es B.
This solution is implemented in C++
void makePositive(int arr[]){
int i =0;
arr[i] = abs(arr[i]);
i = 0;
cout<<arr[i]<<" ";
This defines the function makePositive
void makePositive(int arr[]){
This declares and initializes i to 0
int i =0;
The following iteration is repeated until the last element in the array
This checks if current array element is negative
If yes, it changes it to positive
arr[i] = abs(arr[i]);
The next element is then selected
This sets i to 0
i = 0;
The following iteration prints the updated content of the array
<em> while(arr[i]!=0){
<em> cout<<arr[i]<<" ";
<em> i++;
<em> }
See attachment for full program which includes the main
1) We can get various types of information, knowledge.
2) We can communicate with each other no matter where they are if they have internet connection.
3) It can be used as a source of entertainment.
4) Through internet, we can work from home especially in this quarantine time.
5) Through internet, we can show our talent and skills.
Hope it helps :)
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it is a very good way to keep your desktop organized and keep tidy