see the code snippet below writing in Kotlin Language
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun sumOfNumbers(): Int{
var firstNum:Int
var secondNum:Int
println("Enter the value of first +ve Number")
firstNum= Integer.valueOf(readLine())
println("Enter the value of second +ve Number")
secondNum= Integer.valueOf(readLine())
var sum:Int= firstNum+secondNum
println("The sum of $firstNum and $secondNum is $sum")
return sum
The Answer is false. They work similarly but quite differently on a lot of offerings from them. Office 365 and are online version, and Office 2016 is a desktop version.
I am not going very deep into this but the facts I am mentioning will clarify your doubts.
Office 2016 offers so many ways to share a file even though we work offline on it We can email the document, share on social media as well as store on One drive. However, Office 365, and especially Word online does not allow any other sharing options than sending an invitation or sharing a link.
For Word Online you will need internet all the time, though you can work from anywhere, and even on any device. Word 2016 does not require internet, but provide a lot of analytics features and even data mining facilities when it is connected to the internet.
Watch out for Word online 2019 version, and office 2019 desktop version. They are awesome and provides AI features, and a lot more than 2016 versions, both desktop and online.
Yes. If there is no effective communication in the workplace then nothing is going to be done.
Quick analysis tool.
Excel is a spreadsheet application package found in the Microsoft office suite. it's environment on the display screen is called a worksheet and a collection of the worksheets is called a workbook. The excel packet is used for data analysis and interpretation and presentation.
When a group of cells in a worksheet is selected, a small tool kit appears that the lower right corner, it is known as a quick analysis tool. It is use for easy and fast analysis and formatting of that selected group.