He sent federal troops to protect Meredith and allow him to enroll.
In 1962, an African American man named James Meredith attempted to enroll at the all-white University of Mississippi. After the Kennedy administration brought out 31,000 National Guardsmen and other federal forces to execute the law, riots broke out on the Ole Miss campus, leaving two people dead, hundreds injured, and many others jailed.
Brown v. Board of Education, a landmark 1954 Supreme Court case, determined that racial segregation in educational and other institutions violated the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution, which guaranteed equal treatment of the law to all people within its authority.
This judgement substantially undermined the "separate but equal" rule established in 1896 by an earlier court case, Plessy v. Ferguson, which determined that equal protection was not breached as long as both groups were treated with reasonably equal conditions.
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The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor made many Americans scared, so they isolated Japanese Americans so they would not attack them.
Slavery was a hotly debated topic at the Constitutional Convention. On one hand, Southern states wanted slaves to count towards population. This would increase the amount of representatives the Southern states had in the House of Representatives.
On the other hand, the South did not want slaves to count towards the population because this would result in the Southern states paying more direct taxes to the federal government.
The North felt the opposite than the South. Nonetheless, this issue was solved by the 3/5ths Compromise. This compromise stated that every 5 slaves would count as 3 people towards a states population for both representation and taxation.
The characterization of mercantilism as a "set of practices" demonstrates the absence of a preconceived plan for the economic policy of European countries that, between the 16th and 18th centuries, disputed slices of American territory to keep them in the condition of colonies. During this period, in Europe, the wealth available in the world was thought of as something that could not be expanded, and therefore the absolutist states strove to secure for themselves as much of this supposedly limited wealth as possible. Gold and silver, circulating in the form of coins or locked in the coffers of kings were understood as their translation, hence the true search fever of the so-called metals
1.discovery of iron
2.the use of iron weapons