Well, people who lived on a manor were very much self-sufficient. They grew most of their own food, and peasant women spun and wove wool and flax into cloth to make the family's clothing, made their own butter and cheese, brewed their own ale,and would make household items like candles and soap.
In towns, people would be more likely to buy a lot of things ready-made from shops and markets. There would be more specialised tradesmen and craftsmen than there would be in a village.
In both town and country, families tended to be involved in the family enterrpise, whatever it might be. In the country, all family members would labour on the family farm, in the town the whole family might be involved in the family business or trade, whatever it might be.
In a manor, the inhabitants would be subjec to a large extent to the will of the Lord of the manor, and would owe him labour services on his won farm (demesne), and if they were serfs they were not free to leave unless the lord gave them permission. In the towns, most people were free and lived their lives independent of the will of a lord (hence the saying 'town air makes you free').
In both town and country, the church was an important part of people's lives. A church was not just for church services, often the building was used for secular purposes as well, in the village it would be used for meetings of the manor court, in towns it might be used for meetings of the town council, guild meetings etc.
In the country, women were normally expected to be the family doctors, and would be expected to make home rmeedies for ailments, be able to stitch up wounds, set broken bones etc. In a town, people would be more likely to have access to a doctor or apothecary, or to a barber-surgeon.
Another major difference of course would be that far more people in those days lived in the country than in towns, the manorial way of life would be more familiar to a far greater number of people than town life.
The Spanish settled most of what is now Mexico, The southwest United States, and Florida. It’s TRUE
Ancient codes, or sets of laws, have been written down since around 2000 BC. Many of these laws were harsh and would be seen as barbaric compared to our current laws, but many of them were actually just as compassionate and fair, and sometimes moreso, than the laws we have now like Animal Rights,Nobody Is Above The Law, Equal Justice Under The Law and Sicut Judaeis (Constitution For The Jews).
Answer: you could be pregnant for 9 months