L accord du participe passé des verbes pronominaux. Reminder : in compound tenses ( like the passé compose ) the past participle must agree with the subject if etre is used as an auxiliary.
I hope it helps .
its asking you which sport is the most fun for you or which one you think is the best?(i think) the next one is asking which class you find most interesting. and the last one is who is the nicest girl and class, and then who is the nicest boy. its an opinionated paper. the second page is asking you who us the youngest of your family. and who is the oldest. along with what is the biggest city in your region. is it pretty? is it intresting?
Salut !
L'orchestre <em>est dirigé </em>par le chef.
Bonne journée !
Here are the translations so that you can understand better.
1. How old is David?
2. What color is Marie's hair?
3. What is she like, Stéphanie?
4. What's your cat's name?
5. How is Antoine?
I wonder if there was any pictures or descriptions. If yes, you can send them to me and I'll help you answer these questions.