<em>Bonjour ! </em>
<em />
<em>1. ----------------------- , je mets "une tranche" de rosbif.</em>
<em />
<em>2. ---------------------, je voudrais "une part" de gâteau.</em>
<em />
<em>3. ------------------, je vais prendre "un peu" de sucre.</em>
<em />
<em>4. ---------------Je vais boire "une verre" de limonade.</em>
<em />
<em>5. Est-ce que tu veux "une tasse" de thé ?</em>
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<em>6. -------------------------, achète-moi "une bouteille" d'eau minérale.</em>
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When a doctor observes the symptom of a patient and tells that he or she is likely having a flu, the reasoning she or he used is likely from the effect to cause. The reasoning from effect to cause is having to check on the cause in order to produce or come out with the effect in which the symptoms is the cause of the flu, in which the flu is the effect.
Hope this helps:)
<em>Correct sentences ►</em>
1- Cet ordinateur est très cher.
2- Quelles villes visites-tu en Europe ?