<u>The frontal lobe is responsible for social conformity.</u> The frontal lobe is also responsible for planning, thinking, anxiety, stress, depression, etc. The frontal lobe takes credit for mostly logical and personal well-being.
It also has to work with other systems in order to make laws
Well, not in the development as it would have happened otherwise: the whole American civilization, many people and life style was wiped out., Africa was also suffering from all the slaves taken from it. Only the Europeans profited.
From the point of view of the natives: not.
From the point of view of the Europeans? yes.
From the point of view of the Africans? not.
Personally? I am a great fun of American languages and, and I wish they were better maintained and I think slavery is a prize to pay for anything. No, I don't think it was a positive change, not with all the deaths and suffering.
4 buttons can be sewn on each shirt