Read the following idioms and figurative definitions. Match the definitions to its corresponding idiom. Remember, you are lookin
g for what these idioms really mean, in context, not the literal definition! 1.__ rock the boat A.die
2.__ fish out of water B.stir things up or create chaos
3.__ elephant in the room C.everyone here knows something but isn't
4.__ break a leg talking about it
5.__ hit the books D.good luck
6.__ hit the nail on the head
7.__ break the ice F.exactly right
8.__ you're on fire G.start the conversation
9.__ think outside of the box H. you're doing a great job
10.__ spill the beans I.think of a different or new way of doing things
11.__ down in the dumps J.reveal a secret
12.__ heart of gold K.feeling sad or depressed
13.__ walk on eggshells L.someone who is always doing kind things for
14.__ kill two birds with one stone other
15.__ under the weather M.being very careful about what you say around
16.__ lost your marbles someone
17.__ ants in your pants N.accomplish two goals at one time
18.__ don't judge a book by the cover O.feeling sick
19.__ bull in a china shop P.gone crazy
20.__ kick the bucket Q.hyper or excited, can't sit still
R.reckless, causing a mess easily
S.get to know someone or something before
making a judgement
T.outside of your comfort zone
1. B (Rock the boat means to start chaos) 2. T (A fish out of water is someone who is out of their comfort zone) 3. C (an elephant in the room is something obvious but isn't being said) 4. D (Break a leg is a common expression used to wish someone luck) 5. E (People say they need to hit the books when they have to study) 6. F (When someone hits the nail on the head, they got something right) 7. G (Break the ice means start a conversation) 8. H (When you're on fire, you're doing something well 9. I (When you think outside the box, you come up with a creative idea) 10. J (Spill the beans means to reveal a secret) 11. K (Down in the dumps means feeling depressed or sad) 12. L (Someone with a heart of gold is a kind person) 13. M (Walking on eggshells is watching what you say) 14. N (When you kill two birds with one stone, you're getting two things done at the same time) 15. O (Under the weather means you feel sick) 16. P (When you lose your marbles, you're nuts) 17. Q (You can't sit still with ants in your pants because they're making you move) 18. S (judging a book by its cover is assessing someone or something based off a first experience or their appearance.) 19. R (A bull in a china shop would cause an absolute mess) 20. A (When you kick the bucket, you die)
<h3>Answer:</h3><h3>Mr.tonny mac</h3><h3>Miss.tonny mac</h3><h3>july 7 ,2020</h3><h3>Absent days from work </h3><h3>I'd like to inform about my absence from work next week since I will be out if the town for two days the next week and three days the following one after that, I will reincorporate to my regular schedule and activities.</h3><h3 />